Up-to-date information and guidance regarding Coronavirus


Notice of the UL FME, 29th September 2022

Dear staff and students,

Please find below and attached the UL Rector's current recommendations for reducing the risk of covid infection.

In summary, the guidelines for the upcoming academic year are as follows:

  • The use of Type IIR or Type FFP2/N95 masks in enclosed public spaces and public transport is recommended, especially for vulnerable groups of people. In health and social care facilities and pharmacies, the use of protective masks is mandatory as recommended by the NIJZ,
  • Hand hygiene, coughing and sneezing hygiene,
  • Keep a safe distance between people,
  • Avoid touching the face (eyes, nose, and mouth),
  • Effective ventilation of enclosed spaces,
  • If you have signs and symptoms of SARS-SoV-2 infection, stay at home and contact your doctor,
  • Testing if infection is suspected. Students can pick up 10 free self-tests per month from the pharmacy.

I wish you a successful start to the new school year and stay healthy.

Kind regards.

Prof. Mihael Sekavčnik, PhD, Dean



Notice of the UL FME, 22nd March 2022

Dear students,

Covid-19 infections are still ongoing and I urge everyone to strictly follow the Regulation of 4/3/2022, Official Gazette 29/2022, which stipulates that wearing a protective mask in all common indoor spaces of the faculty is still MANDATORY.

Wearing a mask is not compulsory during study process in lecture halls and laboratories.

However, we recommend the use of protective masks during the study process if it is not possible to ensure a distance of at least 1.5 metres between people.

Please also note the measures to prevent the spread of infections mentioned in the message below and on the website.



Prof. Dr. Mihael Sekavčnik, Dean




Notice of the UL FME, 7th March 2022

Subject: Amended guidance on prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection

Dear employees and students!

Because of the Government Decree of Saturday 4 March 2022 on Temporary Measures for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases COVID -19 published in the Official Gazette 29/2022, I am issuing an instruction below.

To ensure that the 2021/22 summer semester at the Faculty is conducted live and with the lowest possible risk to the health of all participants, I would like to ask all participants in pedagogical process (PP) to:

  • adhere to the general hygiene measures to prevent the spread of infections (hand disinfection before entering the Faculty, hand hygiene and cough hygiene);
  • consistently implement effective ventilation of the premises;
  • be aware of and observe their own health restrictions;
  • monitor their own health and, if symptoms of infection occurs, stay at home and follow the instructions of the GP or NIJZ;
  • participate in the education process only healthy participants and those who have had no risk contacts;
  • minimise non-urgent person-to-person contacts;
  • note that the wearing of a protective mask is still MANDATORY when moving around and being in enclosed areas of the Faculty. Wearing a mask is not mandatory during the study process. However, we recommend the use of protective masks in the study process, where it is impossible to ensure a person-to-person distance of less than 1.5 metres;
  • carrying out tutorials in the smallest and most constant groups possible (bubble);
  • surfaces touched by students and staff are properly disinfected/cleaned after use;
  • providers adapt the organisation of PP under the guidelines to the current epidemiological situation at https://www.nijz.si/sl/vzgojainizobrazevanje. Recording of lectures and tutorials for publication in the online classrooms will take place as in the winter semester.

EMPLOYEES should inform their supervisor of a confirmed infection; STUDENTS should inform lecturers of courses they have attended, such as lectures, tutorials, consultations etc. The infected person must also inform the persons with whom they have had high-risk contact.

If high-risk contact occurs with a person infected with COVID -19, self-testing with a rapid antigen test or a HAG test within seven days is recommended.

Thank you and best regards,

prof. Mihael Sekavčnik, PhD, Dean




Notice of the UL FME, 18th February 2022

Subject: Updated guidance on effective prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection during the summer term

Dear employees and students,

In view of the Government Decree of Saturday 19 February 2022 on Temporary Measures for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases COVID -19 published in the Official Gazette 22/2022, I am issuing an updated instruction below.

To ensure that the 2021/22 summer semester at the Faculty is conducted live and with the lowest possible risk to the health of all participants, I would like to ask all participants in pedagogical process (PP) to:

  • strictly adhere to the general hygiene measures to prevent the spread of infections (hand disinfection before entering the Faculty, hand hygiene and cough hygiene);
  • consistently implement effective ventilation of the premises;
  • know and observe their own health restrictions;
  • monitor their own health and, if symptoms of infection occurs, stay at home and follow the instructions of the GP or NIJZ;
  • participate in the education process only healthy participants and those who have had no risk contacts;
  • minimise non-urgent person-to-person contacts;
  • use the prescribed personal protective equipment according to the PP to be performed. It is mandatory to use protective masks (surgical mask type II or IIR or mask type FFP2 or FFP3) in all areas of the faculty;
  • carrying out tutorials in the smallest and most constant groups possible (bubble);
  • ensuring an adequate interpersonal distance (at least 1.5 or 2 metres) between students and between PP performers;
  • ensuring that all surfaces touched by students and staff (e.g. keyboard, mouse, table or work surface, laboratory equipment, goggles or visors) are properly disinfected/cleaned after use, according to the nature of the materials or the technical instructions if equipment is involved;
  • providers adapt the organisation of PP under the guidelines to the current epidemiological situation at https://www.nijz.si/sl/vzgojainizobrazevanje. Recording of lectures and tutorials for publication in the online classrooms will take place as in the winter semester.

Under the Decree on Temporary Measures for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases COVID -19 (Official Gazette 22/22), the PCT condition check at the entrance and self-examination of persons who do not meet the PC condition will be abolished with effect from 19 February 2022.

If there are signs of infection, contact the personal physician of your choice and follow the instructions of the NIJZ.

EMPLOYEES should inform their supervisor of a confirmed infection; STUDENTS should inform lecturers of courses they have attended, such as lectures, tutorials, consultations etc. The infected person must also inform the persons with whom they have had high-risk contact.

If high-risk contact occurs with a person infected with COVID -19, self-testing with a rapid antigen test or a HAG test within seven days is recommended.

I request all staff and students to strictly follow these instructions so that we can continue the second semester at the university to benefit all.

Thank you and best regards,

prof. Mihael Sekavčnik, PhD, Dean




Notice of the UL FME, 18th February 2022

Dear staff and students,

To ensure that the 2021/22 summer term at the Faculty is conducted in person and with the least possible risk to the health of all participants, I would like to ask all participants in the teaching process (TP) to:

  • to strictly adhere to general hygiene measures to prevent the spread of infections (hand hygiene and cough hygiene);
  • to practise effective room ventilation;
  • know and respect their own health limitations;
  • to monitor their own health and if infection symptoms to stay occurs at home and follow the instructions of their personal doctor or the NIJZ;
  • only allow healthy participants and those who have not had risky contact to participate in the education process;
  • reduce non-urgent person-to-person contacts;
  • use the prescribed personal protective equipment according to the TP to be performed. Using a protective mask (surgical or FFP2 type) is mandatory in all faculty premises;
  • keep the tutorials small and permanent (bubble);
  • ensure adequate distance (at least 1.5 or 2 metres) between students and between TP practitioners throughout PP and during preparation and breaks,
  • ensure that all surfaces touched by students and staff (e.g. keyboard, mouse, table or work surface, laboratory equipment, goggles or visors, etc.) are properly disinfected/cleaned after use, according to the nature of the materials or technical instructions if equipment is involved;
  • Operators shall adapt the organisation of PP to the current epidemiological situation, under the guidance https://www.nijz.si/sl/vzgojainizobrazevanje. Recording lectures and tutorials for publication in the online classrooms is done in the same way as in the winter semester.

Under the Decree on Temporary Measures for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases COVID -19 (Official Gazette 174/21), the frequency of screening with HAG self-testing for participants who do not meet the condition PC will be changed to three times a week for students and staff from 8.11.2021, as stated in the notice on the FME website dated 18 January 2022, which also includes the protocol for dealing with an infected person or a person in contact with an infected person.

I request all staff and students to strictly follow these instructions so that we can continue the second semester at the Faculty University to benefit all. You will be informed immediately of any changes to the measures.

My best regards,

Prof. Mihael Sekavčnik, PhD, Dean



Notice of the UL FME, 8 November 2021

Dear all,

In accordance with the Regulation on Provisional Measures for the Prevention and Control of Infections with Infectious Disease COVID -19 (OJ 174/21), from 8 November 2021, the frequency of screening tests with rapid tests for self-testing will be changed to three times per week for students and employees, as described below.

The condition for entering the Faculty is the fulfilment of the condition of morbidity, vaccination or testing - PCT, as defined in detail in the Regulations on Measures to Ensure the Direct Course of Studies at the UL.

Compliance with the PCT condition is checked at the entrance to the Faculty. To enter the Faculty, you will need:

1.    identity card, passport or student card with a photograph and
2.    digital EU vaccination certificate, proof of morbidity or a completed Record sheet of the carried out rapid self-test.

Students take the self-test in the Open Laboratory (entrance from the NW part of the building opposite Žmavc) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 7:00 am and 10:00 am using rapid tests that students have to get and bring themselves. After completing the self-test, fill in the form Record Sheet on the rapid self-test so that you can enter the Faculty.

Employees take the self-test in the Silent Reading Room on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 7:30 am and 8:30 am. After completing the self-test, fill in the form Record Sheet on the rapid self-test so that you can enter the Faculty.

Self-testers must keep the record sheet and retain it for at least 1 month from the date of the last test.

If the condition PCT is fulfilled, it is possible to obtain a "QR code of the FME" at the entrance, which allows you to enter the Faculty more quickly without presenting a personal identity card.
In order to check the fulfilment of the PCT condition, we ask for your understanding and patience. Due to the possible crowd, we ask you to come to the Faculty 30 minutes before the start of obligations.

A surgical mask or FFP2 type mask and hand disinfection are mandatory in all FME premises. Cloth masks are no longer allowed.

In case of infection or contact with an infected person, please follow this PROTOCOL.

Thank you and best regards,

Dr. Tone Češnovar, Secretary




Notice of the UL FME, 29 October 2021

Dear Sir or Madam,

Under the valid regulations of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the condition for entering the Faculty is the fulfilment of the condition of morbidity, vaccination or testing - PCT, as defined in the Regulations on Measures to Ensure the Direct Course of Studies at the UL.

Compliance with the PCT condition is checked at the entrance to the Faculty. To enter the Faculty, you will need:

1.    Identity Card and
2.    digital EU vaccination certificate, proof of morbidity or a completed Record sheet of the carried out rapid self-test.

Students take the self-test in the Open Laboratory (entrance from the NW part of the building opposite Žmavc) on Mondays and Wednesdays between 7am and 11am using rapid tests that students have to get and bring themselves. After completing the self-test, fill in the form Record Sheet on the rapid self-test so you can enter the Faculty.

Employees take the self-test in the Silent Reading Room on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 7.30 am and 8.30pm. After completing the self-test, fill in the form Record Sheet on the rapid self-test so you can enter the Faculty.

Self-testers must keep the record sheet and retain it for at least 1 month from the last test.

If the condition PCT is fulfilled, it is possible to obtain a "QR code of the FME" from the Open Lab, which allows you to enter the Faculty more quickly without presenting an identity card.

To check the fulfilment of the PCT condition, we ask for your understanding and patience. Due to the possible crowd, please come to the faculty 30 minutes before the start of obligations.

If infection occurs or contact with an infected person, please follow the PROTOCOL.

Thank you and best regards,

Dr. Tone Češnovar, secretary





Notice of the UL FME, 12 October 2021

Dear Sir or Madam,
Under the valid regulations of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the condition for entering the Faculty is the fulfilment of the condition of morbidity, vaccination or testing - PCT, as defined in the Regulations on Measures to Ensure the Direct Course of Studies at the UL.

Compliance with the PCT condition is checked at the entrance to the Faculty. To enter the Faculty, you will need:
1.    Identity Card and
2.    digital EU vaccination certificate, proof of morbidity or a completed Record sheet of the carried out rapid self-test.

Students take the self-test in the Open Laboratory (entrance from the NW part of the building opposite Žmavc) on Mondays between 7 am and 11 am using rapid tests that students have to get and bring themselves. After completing the self-test, fill in the form Record Sheet on the rapid self-test so you can enter the Faculty.

Employees take the self-test in the Silent Reading Room on Mondays between 8am and 9pm. After completing the self-test, fill in the form Record Sheet on the rapid self-test so you can enter the Faculty.

Self-testers must keep the record sheet and retain it for at least 1 month from the last test.

If the condition PCT is fulfilled, it is possible to obtain a "QR code of the FME" from the Open Lab, which allows you to enter the Faculty more quickly without presenting an identity card.

To check the fulfilment of the PCT condition, we ask for your understanding and patience. Due to the possible crowd, please come to the faculty 30 minutes before the start of obligations.

If infection occurs or contact with an infected person, please follow the PROTOCOL.

Thank you and best regards,

Dr. Tone Češnovar, secretary



Notification UL FME, 29.9.2021

Dear students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Under the valid regulations of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the condition for access to the Faculty is the fulfilment of the condition of morbidity, vaccination or test - PCT, as defined in the Regulations on Measures to Ensure the Direct Course of Studies in the Premises of the UL.
Compliance with the PCT condition is checked at the entrance to the Faculty. To enter the Faculty, you will need:

1.    Identity Card and
2.    digital EU vaccination certificate, proof of morbidity or a completed Record sheet of the carried out rapid self-test.
The self-test is conducted once a week on the premises of the University of Ljubljana, using rapid tests that students must provide themselves and please bring with you. After completing the self-test, fill in the form Record Sheet on the rapid self-test so you can enter the Faculty.
At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, self-tests are conducted in the Open Laboratory (entrance from the NW part of the building opposite Žmauc) on Mondays between 7 and 11 am.

For the admission of first-year students, the self-testing will additionally be conducted on Friday, 1 October 2021, between 7 am and 2 pm.

If the condition PCT is fulfilled, it will subsequently be possible to obtain a "QR code of the FME" which will allow you to enter the Faculty more quickly without presenting an identity card.
We will inform you of this possibility later.
To check the fulfilment of the PCT condition, we ask for your understanding and patience during the first days of the new semester. Due to the possible crowd, please come to the faculty 30 minutes before the lectures start.

Best regards,
Student Affairs Office



Notice of the UL FME, 17 June 2021

Dear all,

we wish to inform you that regardless of the end of the epidemic, the Faculty continues to implement these measures:

1.    It is necessary to adhere to NIJZ  guidelines to prevent the spread of infection:

a.    Masks are mandatory in enclosed common areas for all, including vaccinated employees and even if a Plexiglas barrier is in place;

b.    Use of safe routes with minimal personal contact in hallways and restrooms;

c.    Regular ventilation of the premises is mandatory;

d.    Disinfection of hands, common areas and equipment;

e.    A safety distance of at least 1.5 m between participants in all directions must be maintained;

f.    A maximum number of participants in the lecture room or LAB is as many as there are seats marked with green dots (published by UL FME, 15 September 2020).

2.    The head of the organisational unit organises work in such a way as to reduce the possibility of transmission of infection. Work from home is possible if there is a basis for it in the employment contract. For work at home, the working hours are recorded in the previous form.

3.    The assessment of knowledge, work experience, master internships, final theses... are carried out at the Faculty at the discretion of the subject holder, with the measures mentioned in point 1.

4.    The Student Affairs Office (studentski.referat@fs.uni-lj.si) and Technical Maintenance Service (vinko.tomc@fs.uni-lj.si) must be informed about implementing tutorials or examinations in lecture halls and laboratories (date, place, time).

5.    According to the Regulation implementing a Special Screening Programme for early detection of SARS-CoV-2 Virus Infections, weekly HAG screening of employees in educational institutions REMAINS mandatory. Students who come to FME will be put on the weekly testing list as per notices from the Dean's Office. Testing for students is voluntary. There is no basis for verifying the test results.


Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Mitjan Kalin, Dean



Notice of the UL FME, 14 May 2021

Dear all,

We would like to inform you that in accordance with the government's plan to release measures to control the COVID-19 epidemic, the agreement reached in the 41st session of the FME Senate, and the position of the SC FME, the pedagogical process at the FME will continue with a published timetable from 17 May 2021, with these exceptions:

  1. Laboratory work at the discretion of the instructor and in consultation with students regarding attendance at laboratory work,
  2. Examinations,
  3. Individual completion of professional internships, master's practicums, and theses.

The course holders conduct tutorial at their own discretion in the dates fixed so far, so the timetables do not overlap. The course holder will notify students over VIS at least three days prior the implementation.

Considering the infrastructural problems (transport, accommodation in Ljubljana), it is necessary to excuse absence to students who, cannot attend tutorials or find it very difficult to attend them. Before the implementation, it is also useful to check the attendance of the students if the tutorials will be optional, to ensure adequate participation.

The student office (studentski.referat@fs.uni-lj.si) and Technical Maintenance Service (vinko.tomc@fs.uni-lj.si) must be informed about implementing tutorials or examinations in lecture halls and laboratories (date, place, time).

Online supervision or another alternative form of tutoring will be provided for students who are NOT present for laboratory work at FME. Any interim lectures may be attended by students in empty classrooms, subject to NIJZ safety recommendations.

It is necessary to ensure compliance with NIJZ guidelines at https://www.nijz.si/sl/vzgojainizobrazevanje (masks mandatory indoors for all, including vaccinated faculty personnel and even if a barrier of Plexiglas is present; safe routes and entrances and exits for minimal personal contact in hallways and restrooms, regular ventilation of rooms, hand disinfection and equipment disinfection is mandatory, interpersonal distance of at least 1.5 m between participants in all directions or in the lecture hall or LAB should be considered, i.e. as many participants as seats are marked with green dots (publication UL FME, 15 September 2020)).

According to the Regulation implementing a Special Screening Program for early detection of SARS-CoV-2 Virus Infections, weekly HAG screening of employees in educational institutions remains mandatory.

Students who come to FME will be put on the weekly testing list as per notices from the Dean's Office. Testing is voluntary for students. There is no basis for verifying the test results.

Publication of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports: ttps://www.gov.si/novice/2021-05-12-prihodnji-teden-popolno-odprtje-srednjih-sol-in-fakultet/


Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Mitjan Kalin, Dean


Notification UL FME, 28.04.2021       

Dear all,

We would like to inform you that in accordance with the Government's plan for the release of measures to contain the COVID -19 epidemic, the educational process at FME will continue to be conducted remotely from 3 May 2021 in accordance with the published schedule, with the following exceptions:

  1. individual implementation of professional internships, master internships and theses requiring the use of special equipment,
  2. examinations and seminars in small groups (up to ten students),
  3. essential laboratory exercises can be carried out according to schedule:

a) Week from 3 to 7 May: 1st year of MAG and 2nd year of RRP,
b) Week from 10 to 14 May: 2st year of MAG and 2nd year of PAP,
c) Week from 17 to 21 May: 3rd year of MAG and 3rd year of RRP,
d) Week from 24 to 28 May: 1st year of RRP,
e) Week from 31 May to 4 June: 1st year of PAP.

In such cases, the course providers shall, at their discretion, if they deem it necessary for the understanding of the content of the course, conduct the tutorial in a single semester according to a schedule agreed upon with other course providers so that the dates do not overlap. The course provider will notify students over VIS at least three days prior the implementation. We recommend that appointments be made in advance. The Student Affairs Office (studentski.referat@fs.uni-lj.si) and TVS (vinko.tomc@fs.uni-lj.si) must also be notified of ESSENTIAL tutorials being held in lecture halls (date, location, time).

Online tutorial must be provided for students who will be NOT present for lab work. Any interim lectures may be attended by students in empty classrooms, subject to NIJZ safety recommendations.

Care must be taken to adhere to NIJZ guidelines at https://www.nijz.si/sl/vzgojainizobrazevanje (masks are mandatory indoors for all, including vaccinated lecturers and even if there is a Plexiglas barrier; safe routes and entrances and exits must be created for the least possible contact with people in the corridors and toilets; disinfection of hands and equipment is mandatory; a safety distance must be maintained with at least 1.5 m between participants in all directions, ventilation...).

According to the Regulation implementing a Special Screening Programme for Early Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Virus Infections for Persons Performing Educational Activity weekly HAG testing of employees remains mandatory.

Students who come to FME will be put on the weekly testing list as per notices from the Dean's Office. Testing is voluntary for students. There is no basis for verifying the test results.


Best regards,


Prof. Dr. Mitjan Kalin, Dean


Notification UL FME, 09.04.2021           

Subject: Notice on the Ordinance temporarily prohibiting gatherings of people in educational institutions and universities, and independent higher education institutions (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 53/21 of 8 April 2021)

Dear Sirs,

The new ordinance of the Slovene Government decree, which will be in force from 11 to 17 April 2021 inclusive, is expanding the range of exceptions to the restrictions on gatherings at universities to include, in addition to laboratory work and one-on-one tutoring (such as, for example, small-groups practical work and work requiring the use of specialised equipment for preparing the final assignments), also taking exams and giving seminars for groups of up to TEN participants.

The head of the organisational unit will organise the work in such a way as to ensure that the necessary number of employees are present at the Faculty for the implementation of work processes, taking into account the instructions of the National institute of Public Health regarding the epidemiological measures. Other employees can work from home in agreement with the head of the organisational unit, if such possibilities exist.

The mandatory weekly testing of all employees who will be present at the Faculty for SARS-CoV-2 virus with rapid antigen tests (RATs) remains in force. Employees do NOT need to take the RAT test if they submit a negative PCR or RAT test result that is not older than 48 hours, or a COVID-19 vaccination certificate proving that at least seven days have passed since receiving the second dose of the vaccine from the manufacturer Biontech/Pfizer or, in case of the manufacturer MODERNA, at least 14 days, or a vaccination certificate proving the at least 21 days have passed after receiving the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, or a certificate of a positive PCR or RAT test result that is more than 21 days old but not more than six months old, or a doctor's certificate confirming that the person has had COVID-19 and that no more than six months have passed since the onset of symptoms.

All employees are advised to act with utmost responsibility and keep the number of personal contacts to a minimum. Mostly use electronic media and telephone for communication. At work, it is necessary to follow the EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS of the National institute of Public Health for educational institutions in order to prevent the spread of infections, namely:

  • knowing and taking into account health policy restrictions;
  • monitoring one's health condition;
  • reducing people-to-people contacts;
  • using personal protective equipment (PPE);
  • maintaining a personal distance of at least 1.5 m;
  • providing adequate living conditions by effective:

o ventilation,

o cleaning and disinfection;

  • adapting the organisation of work to epidemiological conditions.

In accordance with the UL FS notice of 16.10.2020, the educational process (lectures, lab work, exams) continues to be carried out remotely in accordance with the published schedule.

Kind regards and stay healthy!

Prof. dr. Mitjan Kalin, Dean


Notification UL FME, 31.03.2021                  

Subject: Notice on the Ordinance temporarily prohibiting gatherings of people in educational institutions and universities, and independent higher education institutions (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 47/21 of 29 March 2021)
Dear all!
The new Government Ordinance, in force from 1 to 11 April 2021 inclusive, narrows the field of permitted  gathering at universities to:

  • necessary research that cannot be done remotely,
  • necessary individual educational work related to the continuation and completion of studies,
  • necessary professional, management and administration work which cannot be performed remotely and which is necessary for the smooth operation of the Faculty.

The Ordinance introduces mandatory weekly testing of all employees who will be present at the Faculty for SARS-CoV-2 virus with rapid antigen tests (RATs). Employees do NOT need to take the RAT test if they submit a negative PCR or RAT test result that is not older than 48 hours, or a COVID-19 vaccination certificate proving that at least seven days have passed since receiving the second dose of the vaccine from the manufacturer Biontech/Pfizer or, in case of the manufacturer MODERNA, at least 14 days, or a vaccination certificate proving the at least 21 days have passed after receiving the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, or a certificate of a positive PCR or RAT test result that is more than 21 days old but not more than six months old, or a doctor's certificate confirming that the person has had COVID-19 and that no more than six months have passed since the onset of symptoms.

The next Rapid Antigen Test testing of UL employees for SARS-CoV-2 virus will take place on Friday, 2 April, 2021 (only empoyees that will be previously registered will be tested!). The location of the testing will be announced later when the number of test participants is known. Testing of persons who are not on the list, or testing outside the timetable specified by the UL, will not be possible.

For testing, the employees must bring with them their Health insurance card, a personal identification and a completed form - only the stub. The employees should come for testing without any signs and symptoms of acute respiratory and gastrointestinal infection.

Testing is not intended for students and the persons not employed at the UL, nor are the employees from abroad who do not have regulated health insurance in Slovenia eligible for free testing.

Outside this term, the UL employees can also be tested at all locations for mass testing according to the their place of residence, which are published at: https://www.gov.si/teme/koronavirus-sars-cov-2/testiranje-na-okuzbo/.

The reporting on individual and lab work with students that you will perform in the next week is still necessary. The information about the planned individual work with students and the implementation of laboratory exercises in the next week will be gathered in the Dean's office.

In the cabinet/laboratory of an area of approx. 14m2 only one person may work, 2 people on an area of 28m2… If there are several employees in the cabinet and the area per employee is less than 14m2/employee, the other employees should work from home or the manager should organise work in shifts (in sets by days). According to the needs of the work process, the head of the organisational unit shall prepare a weekly/monthly schedule of employees who will work at the FS premises and those who will work from home. 

All employees are advised to act with utmost responsibility and keep the number of personal contacts to a minimum. Mostly use electronic media and telephone for communication. At work, it is necessary to follow the EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS of the National institute of Public Health for educational institutions in order to prevent the spread of infections, namely:

  • knowing and taking into account health policy restrictions;
  • monitoring one's health condition;
  • reducing people-to-people contacts;
  • using personal protective equipment (PPE);
  • maintaining a personal distance of at least 1.5 m;
  • providing adequate living conditions by effective ventilation, cleaning and disinfection
  • adapting the organisation of work to epidemiological conditions.

In accordance with the UL FS’s notice of 16.10.2020, the educational process (lectures, exercises, knowledge testing) continues to be carried out remotely in accordance with the published schedule, as well as the remaining work at the FS.
Kind regards  and stay healthy!
prof. dr. Mitjan Kalin, Dean



Notification UL FME, 25.01.2021

Subject: Notice of the Decree on the Temporary Prohibition of Gathering of Persons in Educational Institutions, Universities and Independent Colleges (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 9/21)

Dear all!

The Decree, which is in force from 26 to 29 January 2021, applies with exceptions to the conduct of the study process and the stay of students in dormitories, as well as to the conduct of laboratory work and individual teaching (e.g. clinical and teaching tutorials that require the use of special equipment and instruments). This category includes laboratory work on equipment that is not located in any other room and is necessary for the preparation of final projects.

1. Testing for staff who come into contact with students

Prior to beginning the educational process, all staff who come in contact with students must take a SARS-CoV-2 virus test as part of a special screening program for early detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection.

Staff may only take the test if they do not have a fever on the day of the test, do not have acute signs of respiratory or gastrointestinal infection, and have not been in contact with an infected person with SARS-CoV-2 virus in the past ten days.

Staff who have recovered from COVID -19 and have been ill with SARS-CoV-2 for at least 21 days and up to three months are not required to take the test.

The employee will report a negative test result to the Head of the organizational unit and Human Resources.

Staff will be tested 24 hours prior to the start of the educational process and every seven days thereafter.

For employees of the UL members who will be conducting laboratory work in the period from 26 to 29 January 2021, the test will be organized at COVID -19, on Monday, 25 January 2021, from 12:00, at the University Sports Hall in Rožna dolina, Svetčeva 11, 1000 Ljubljana.

For the test you will need a health insurance card and an identity document.

2. Recommendations for conducting individual student laboratory work

At work it is necessary to follow the EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS of the NIJZ for educational institutions, the NIJZ recommendations for laboratory work and the NIJZ recommendations for ventilation to prevent the spread of infections, namely:

  • to know and take into account health restrictions;
  • to monitor one's own health;
  • to reduce person-to-person contacts;
  • use personal protective equipment (PPE);
  • to create adequate living conditions with more effective: - ventilation, - cleaning and disinfection;
  • to adapt the organization of work/teaching to epidemiological conditions.

According to the UL FME Notice of 16 October 2020, the rest of the pedagogical process (lectures, tutorials, knowledge assessment) continues to be carried out entirely online, according to the published timetable, as will the rest of the work at the FME.

Greetings to everyone and stay healthy.


Prof. Dr. Mitjan Kalin, Dean


Notification UL FME, 23.10.2020

Subject: Extension of the Regulation on the Temporary Prohibition of Public Gathering in Educational Institutions and Universities

Dear all!

We would like to inform you that the Regulation on Temporary Prohibition of Public Gathering in educational institutions (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia 152/20), valid until 25 December 2020, is extended for the next seven days, until 1 January 2021. The instructions for work in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UL are valid at least until this date or until the cancellation.

We will notify you of any changes after 1 January. We anticipate that any changes to the regulation will not yet have an impact on University operations during the first week of January.

We would like to point out that according to the above-mentioned regulation, taking examinations on the premises of the universities is not permitted, so that we expressly ask you to strictly observe the applicable regulations in this area as well.

Best regards and stay healthy.

Prof. Dr. Mitjan Kalin, Dean


Notification UL FME, 23.10.2020

Subject: Decree on the Temporary Prohibition of Gathering People in Institutions in the Field of Education and Universities

Dear all!

In accordance with the Decree on the Temporary Prohibition of Gathering People in Institutions in the Field of Education and Universities (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia 152/20) I hereby issue the following instructions for work at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, with effect from Monday, 26 October 2020. The measure is valid until 2 November 2020 or until its cancellation.

  • The pedagogical process is completely (L, S, T, knowledge assessment, diploma writing, defense...) carried out remotely without physical presence of the students at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
  • The heads of the organizational units organize their work in such a way that only those activities are carried out at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering that are absolutely necessary for the functioning of the Faculty and cannot be carried out remotely.
  • The faculty is closed to external individuals. The reception service is open from 6.00 to 17.00 hours. Access outside these hours will be possible with a card.
  • In your work at the Faculty, it is necessary to follow the instructions already given (published on the website) and the NIJZ guidelines for the prevention of infections.

Best regards and stay healthy.

Prof. Dr. Mitjan Kalin, Dean


Notification UL FME, 16.10.2020

Subject: Notice about COVID-19 Measures as of 16 October 2020  

Dear All!  

In light of the worsened epidemiological situation, our entire pedagogical process, that is all lectures and practical work, will be transferred to distance learning in accordance with the Rector’s recommendation dated 12 October 2020 and the government’s decision published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No 143/2020; the published timetable remains unchanged. This measure applies until further notice, but not less than two weeks.  

Students that have tested positive for Covid-19 or have received a quarantine decision, please notify us via email to studentski.referat@fs.uni-lj.si. The protocol for how to proceed in the case students are infected is provided in the Infection protocol.pdf.  

We suggest that you act responsibly and limit the number of personal contacts to the minimum. If you need to be in face-to-face contact with anyone, please observe the following: maintain a minimum physical distance of 1.5m; wear a face mask; wash and/or disinfect your hands, regularly open windows and doors in indoor areas; and disinfect surfaces you come into contact with. Try using electronic media or your phone to communicate with others as much as possible.  

Heads of Organisational Units must organise work so as to preserve the Faculty’s fundamental functions by observing the National Institute of Public Health - NIPH’s guidelines. We recommend allowing one person on a surface area of up to 15m2 – everyone else should agree with their Head of Organisational Unit to work in turns, that is one week from home and one week at the Faculty.  

If a Head of Organisational Unit allows an employee to work from home, such employee must record the days when they work outside of the Faculty into the CODEKS in order to enable correct payroll accounting and record keeping. When employees carry out distance work, they must keep timelines and achieve the results of work expected by the relevant Heads within the determined period of time.  

In the case a quarantine decision is issued to an employee, they must notify the HR Department and their relevant supervisor at the earliest convenience, as well as submit the decision to the HR Department immediately after receiving it. If such employee can work from home by following their supervisor’s instructions, they must keep the timeline regardless of their job position.  

If an employee has tested positive for Covid-19, they start their sick leave and must submit the doctor’s note to the employer. If they feel well and have previously agreed with their supervisor to work from home, the HR Department must be informed about the agreed work from home and the duration of such work, since such employee does not receive a decision from the Ministry of Health in the case of a confirmed infection.  

Secretaries of Organisational Units must provide the HR Department with a list of the employees who need employer decision to arrive at work from another region.

In accordance with the Ordinance amending the Ordinance temporarily prohibiting the offering and sale of goods and services to consumers in the Republic of Slovenia published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No 143 of 15 October 2020, which prohibits the provision of catering services and food and drinks service in catering facilities (inns, restaurants, pubs, cafes, pâtisseries, snack bars and other bars), the Faculty of Engineering’s restaurant will be CLOSED as of Monday, 19 October 2020, until further notice.

Should you need any help, please contact the Secretary or Head of the Technical Maintenance Department or HR Department.

Kind regards,  

Prof. Dr. Mitjan Kalin, Dean  


Notification UL FME, 24.9.2020

Subject: Instructions for the prevention of infections in the academic year 2020/21 

In order to minimize the chances of Covid-19 infections, in accordance with the NIJZ (National Institute of Public Health) recommendation (on 16 September 2020) and the Government Decree (on 23 September 2020), the following measures, that will be adjusted according to the actual regulation, apply at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:

  1. Only healthy persons may enter the premises of the UL FS. Before entering the premises of the UL FS, everyone must disinfect their hands (disinfectants are installed at the entrance to the premises) and put on protective masks.
  2. The following measures must be taken on the premises: coughing hygiene, disinfection/hand washing after each contact with the common areas, physical distance between persons at least 1.5 meters.
  3. The wearing of protective masks is compulsory in all areas of the premises UL FME.
  4. In the lecture halls, the students sit on the marked seats.
  5. When changing groups, constant airing of the rooms and disinfection of the common contact surfaces (hooks, tables...) must be ensured.
  6. The following individuals may NOT enter the UL FS premises and make contact with students or staff:
    • individuals with signs or symptoms of Covid-19 infection,
    • individuals who are quarantined for the duration of the quarantine,
    • individuals isolated for the duration of the quarantine due to a positive Covid-19 test.
  7. Protocol in case of signs/symptoms of Covid-19 infection:
    • the infected person goes home and calls the chosen doctor or emergency services. Does not use public transport for the journey home;
    • while waiting for transport, the person wears a protective mask, maintains a safe distance, touches as few common areas as possible and uses toilets that are not used by others during this time;
    • informs the Dean's Office at 01/477 11 43, which organizes airing and disinfection of the rooms and areas used;
    • in case of a negative test result, follow the instructions of the chosen doctor;
    • in case of a positive test result, follow the instructions of the chosen doctor. The NIJZ starts an epidemiological investigation in which it looks for the source of infection and identifies the contacts of the infected person. The employee informs the superior and the human resources department of the duration of the quarantine or isolation and forwards the decision of the Ministry of Health;
    • the student notifies by e-mail the Student's office and the performers of the practical work at FME that he or she attended.

Prof. Dr. Mitj

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